Superhero Stop - Motion Project

This term the Grade 6's of 2017 are doing a stop - motion project. We have to work with a partner to create our own superhero or villain. We have to use the I Can Animate and iMovie apps. The project is a mixture of Art, English and Technology. We had to draw our character then make it out of plasticine, then we had to draw and paint our set. We have to film everything carefully to make sure it all looks like one big movement when really it's a lot of small movements. There is an uneven number of people in the Falcons class so I am in a group of three with Thato and Mbali. We created a villain named Mr Boom. Mr Boom is a Russian villain that is super intelligent and can make things explode with his mind. The only frustrations we have with this project is that we are struggling with time management. The only thing I would change is having less characters. We thought that it would be better if we had four characters instead of two and although it is interesting, it is also a lot harder but we managed to make it a bit easier for ourselves by adding them in scenes further on in the movie. Drawing Mr Boom was fun because we came up with lots of ideas that were really different and unique and we couldn't wait to see how it would turn out once we made it out of plasticine. When we used the plasticine to make our character it was really fun because we could go into greater detail. My favorite part about this project has been creating Mr Boom because we were really proud of how he turned out. We used thinglink to create an interactive picture, meaning that when you touch a certain part of the picture it gives you more information about the character.


  1. It's really clever to make the B look like its blowing up. Your character is very neatly made. I also like that you named him Mr Boom.

    From Gabi

  2. Dear Mia,

    I really enjoyed reading this blog post. It is very well written.



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