Science Expo Blog (Energy)

This year the grade 5s had to do energy for the Sciene Expo. I worked alone for the Science Expo  because it was easier for me. My mom went on Pinterest and we found a biomass lamp that I could do but we didn't because we couldn't find how to do it and what we needed to do it. Eventually my mom found a biogas experiment. I did a biogas experiment that tests which bottle of food scraps can produce the most gas. I chose biogas because it's different and no one else was doing it and it can help with our waste management. We started my experiment too late so the balloons didn't inflate as well as it should've. When we did the posters at school I didn't have my photos so I couldn't plan everything out but, the next day I got my photos and it looked perfectly fine. On the day of the Science Expo I felt nervous but confident. While I was speaking I forget to add something in so I had to stop take a breath and then I remembered.The judge, Mrs Pierce was very nice. After speaking to the judge I was fine for the rest of the day. 


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